About RCEC

“Education is the Most Powerful Weapon Which You Can Use to Change the World.” Nelson Mandela

The Riverside County Education Collaborative (RCEC) is an innovative partnership in the Inland Empire that was formed in July 2014 in response to the White House request to help more students prepare for and graduate from college.

RCEC is a grassroots movement in southern California with diverse cross-sector leadership throughout the Riverside/San Bernardino county areas. Representing members from area school districts, higher education, city/county officials, and private industry, RCEC collectively commits to the following goals geared to increase postsecondary access and attainment in our community through the 2019 school year.

To increase college access, the RCEC will incorporate strategies such as professional development opportunities for high school counselors on FAFSA preparation and completion, and the integration of FAFSA completion into school curriculum. College applications from California’s postsecondary institutions will also be integrated into the school curriculum. In its efforts to prevent “summer melt”, the Collaborative will track postsecondary enrollment and increase its communications with those students enrolled during the summer months to help guarantee they enter the first year of postsecondary education. Finally, the collaborative will strive to reduce remediation by encouraging a college-going culture beginning at the middle school level, offering parent workshops to help increase parent involvement in their student’s education, offer special programs for students that need additional support, and ensure college level coursework is offered to students once they reach high school.

Our Core Goals

Increase the percentage of students applying to three or more colleges to 60%.
Increase the percentage of FAFSA/Dream Act completions from 52.3% to 93%.


Increase the percentage of students enrolling in post-secondary education from 52% to 65%.

Increase the percentage of students who are college ready using several indicators such as the Early Assessment Program (EAP), UC/CSU A-G completion rates and community college multiple measures/course placement.


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