Understanding and Using CollegeBoard AP Potential

14decAll DayUnderstanding and Using CollegeBoard AP Potential


December 14, 2016 All Day(GMT+00:00)



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Event Details

AP Potential is a free, Web-based tool that allows schools to generate rosters of students who are likely to score a 3 or higher on a given AP® Exam based on their performance on the PSAT/NMSQT®, and starting 2015 the PSAT™ 8/9, PSAT™ 10, or SAT®. AP Potential is rooted in a long line of research showing moderate to strong correlations between PSAT/NMSQT® scores and AP Exam results, and that PSAT/NMSQT scores are stronger predictors of students’ AP Exam scores than the more traditional factors such as high school grades and grades in same-discipline course work. AP Potential is designed to help you increase access to AP and to ensure that no student who has the chance of succeeding in AP is overlooked. This workshop will assist participants with accessing AP Potential data and generating reports to help build and strengthen the AP culture at their respective sites. This is a hands-on training so please bring your laptop device.
